101st Congress

101st Congress


Five bills were introduced in the 101st congress. All bills, namely S. 710, S. 711, S. 712, H.R. 3536 and H.R. 4765 were part of a plebiscitary process that took place between 1989 and 1991. Although this was the most substantive plebiscitary process in the history of the relationship between PR and the United States, the 101st Congress did not enact any status changing legislation for Puerto Rico.

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101st Congress - S.710

S. 710

See S.710

101st Congress - S.711

S. 711

See S.711

S. 712

See S.712

101st Congress - HR.3536

HR. 3536

See HR.3536

101st Congress - HR.4765

HR. 4765

See HR.4765