Month: August 2023

hr.9995 bill

Bill HR.9995

During the 2nd Session of the 67th Congress, on January 19, 1922, Republican Representative Philip P. Campbell of Kansas (R-KS) introduced H.R.9995 in the House Committee on Insular Affairs. This was a status bill. S. 3137 was its companion bill in the Senate.

67th Congress

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HR.9995 Bill




Representative Phillip P. Campbell (R-Kansas)


Status Legislation


Introduced in House

hr.9934 bill

Bill HR.9934

During the 2nd Session of the 67th Congress, on January 16, 1922, Republican Representative John I. Nolan of California (R-CA) introduced H.R.9934 in the House Committee on Insular Affairs. This was a status bill.

67th Congress


HR.9934 Bill




Representative John I. Nolan (R-California)


Status Legislation


Introduced in House

hj.res.144 bill

Bill HJ.Res.144

During the 1st Session of the 66th Congress, on July 10, 1919, Republican Representative Leonidas C. Dyer of Missouri (R-MO) introduced H.J.Res.144 in the House Committee on Insular Affairs. This resolution provided for an advisory plebiscite to resolve Puerto Rico’s political status.

66th Congress


HJ.Ress.144 Bill




Representative Leonidas C. Dyer (R-Missouri)




Introduced in House

hr.10266 bill

Bill HR. 10266

On February 8, 1960, during the 2nd Session of the 86th Congress, Democrat Representative Roland V. Libonati of Illinois (D-IL) introduced H.R. 10266 in the House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. This bill provided for a local referendum in Puerto Rico on the admission of the islands into the Union as a state.

86th Congress


HR. 10266 Bill


Puerto Rico Statehood Act (if Statehood wins)


Representative Roland V. Libonati (D-Illinois)


Referendum Legislation


Introduced in the House

70th Congress

70th Congress


Only one bill was introduced in the 70th Congress. This status bill, H.R. 9847, provided for the creation of an autonomic government for Puerto Rico. This is the earliest bill introduced in Congress calling for a local Constitutional Convention. The 70th Congress did not enact any status changing legislation for Puerto Rico.

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70th Congress - H.R.9847

HR. 9847

See HR.9847

100th Congress

100th Congress


Three bills were introduced in the 100th Congress. All three bills were status legislation, but two contained provisions for Statehood, namely S.1182 and H.R. 2849. The remaining status bill, H. J. Res 215, provided for the creation of a constituent assembly tasked with decolonizing Puerto Rico through independence or some form of alternative free association. The 100th Congress did not enact any status changing legislation for Puerto Rico.

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100th Congress - S.1182


See S.1182

100th Congress - HR.2849


See HR.2849

100th Congress - H.J.Res.218


See HJ.Res 218

98th Congress

98th Congress


Only one bill was introduced in the 98th Congress. This bill, H.J. Res. 232 provided for the creation of a constituent assembly tasked with decolonizing Puerto Rico through independence or some form of alternative free association. The 98th Congress did not enact any status changing legislation for Puerto Rico.

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98th Congress - H.J.Res.232


See HJ.Res 232

101st Congress

101st Congress


Five bills were introduced in the 101st congress. All bills, namely S. 710, S. 711, S. 712, H.R. 3536 and H.R. 4765 were part of a plebiscitary process that took place between 1989 and 1991. Although this was the most substantive plebiscitary process in the history of the relationship between PR and the United States, the 101st Congress did not enact any status changing legislation for Puerto Rico.

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101st Congress - S.710

S. 710

See S.710

101st Congress - S.711

S. 711

See S.711

101ST Congress - Bill S. 712

S. 712

See S.712

101st Congress - HR.3536

HR. 3536

See HR.3536

101st Congress - HR.4765

HR. 4765

See HR.4765

79th Congress

79th Congress


Five bills were introduced in the 79th Congress. Three bills, S. 227, H.R. 2781 and S. 1485 were status bills providing for either independence or statehood for Puerto Rico. Alternative, two companion bills, S. 1002/H.R. 3237, provided for a plebiscite with multiple status options. It is important to highlight that the so-called Tydings-Piñero Bill (S. 1002/H.R. 3237) provided one of the more comprehensive status legislation of this history and offered viable alternatives to the status quo. The 79th Congress did not enact any status changing legislation for Puerto Rico.

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79th Congress - S.227

S. 227

See S.227

79th Congress - S.1485

S. 1485

See S.1485

79th Congress - S.1002

S. 1002

See S.1002

79th Congress - H.R.2781

HR. 2781

See HR.2781

79th Congress - H.R.3237

HR. 3237

See HR.3237