Author: Kerr, Haydn

s.732 bill

Bill S.732

During the 1st Session of the 78th Congress, on February 18, 1943, Republican Senator William Langer of North Dakota (R-ND) introduced S. 732 in the Senate Committee on Territories and Insular Affairs. This status bill called for the admission of Puerto Rico into the Union on an equal footing with the states.

78th Congress

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S.732 Bill




Senator William Langer (R-North Dakota)


Status Legislation


Introduced in Senate

hr4751 bill

Bill HR.4751

On June 26, 2000, during the 2nd Session of the 106th Congress, Republican Representative John T Doolittle of California (R-CA) introduced H.R. 4751 in the Committee on Resources. This bill recognized the entry of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico into a permanent union with the United States.

106th Congress

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HR.4751 Bill


Puerto Rico-United States Bilateral pact of Non-territorial Permanent Union and guaranteed Citizenship Act


Representative John T. Doolittle (R-California)


Status Legislation


Introduced in House

h.j.res.215 bill

Bill H.J.Res.215

On March 25, 1981, during the 1st Session of the 97th Congress, Democrat Representative Roland V. Dellums of California (D-CA) introduced H.J.Res. 215 in the House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. The resolution affirmed the right to self-determination and the decolonization of Puerto Rico.

97th Congress

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H.J.Res.215 Bill




Representative Ronald V. Dellums (D-California)


Status Legislation


Introduced in House

hr.2781 bill

Bill HR. 2781

On March 26, 1945, during the 1st Session of the 79th Congress, American Laborite Representative Vito A. Marcantonio of New York (R-NY) introduced H.R. 2781 in the House Committee on Insular Affairs. This status bill provided for Puerto Rico’s independence.

79th Congress

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HR. 2781 Bill




Representative Vito A. Marcantonio (AL-New York)


Status Legislation


Introduced in the House

56th Congress

56th Congress


Congress debated at least five bills explicitly addressing the territorial status of Puerto Rico during the 56th Congress. These bills focused on the creation of an organic or territorial law that could provide a civil government for Puerto Rico. Two bills introduced by Senator Joseph B. Foraker (R-OH), namely S. 2016 and S. 2264, which provided early versions of the subsequent Foraker Act of 1900. Three additional bills providing for alternative territorial statuses, H.R. 7020 (explicitly treating Puerto Rico as a territory), H.R. 5466 (treating Puerto Rico as a District), and H.R. 8878 (implicitly treating Puerto Rico as a territory), were also debated during this period. None of the bills offered an alternative political status to some variant of a territorial status.

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56th Congress - S.2016

S. 2016

See S.2016

56th Congress - S.2264

S. 2264

See S.2264

56th Congress - H.R.8878

HR. 8878

See HR.8878

56th Congress - H.R.5466

HR. 5466

See HR.5466

56th Congress - H.R.7020

HR. 7020

See HR.7020

56th Congress - Foraker Act

Foraker Act

See Act

56th Congress - S.335

S. 335

See S.335

56th Congress - H.R.6883

HR. 6883

See HR.6883

56th Congress - H.R.8245

HR. 8245

See HR.8245

103rd Congress

103rd Congress


Six bills were introduced in the 103rd congress. Three resolutions were introduced, namely H. Con Res. 94, S. Con. Res 75 and H. Con. Res 300. In addition, three bills H.R. 3715, H.R. 4442, and H.R 5005 provided for consultations on Puerto Rico’s political status. The 103rd Congress did not enact any status changing legislation for Puerto Rico.

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103rd Congress - H.R.3715

HR. 3715

See HR.3715

103rd Congress - H.R.4442

HR. 4442

See HR.4442

103rd Congress - H.R.5005

HR. 5005

See HR.5005

103rd Congress - H.Con.Res.94

H.Con.Res. 94

See H.Con.94

103rd Congress - H.Con.Res.300

H.Con.Res. 300

See H.Con.300

103rd Congress - S.Con.Res.75

S.Con.Res. 75

See S.Con.75

117th Congress

117th Congress


Six plebiscitary bills were introduced during the 117th Congress. The first four bills introduced, namely H.R. 1522/S. 780, H.R. 2070/S. 865, excluded the “Commonwealth” as a status option or alternative for Puerto Rican voters. A fifth plebiscitary bill introduced in the Senate, S. 4560, included the Commonwealth option. A sixth bill, H.R. 8393, reconciled the first four bills and ultimately passed a House vote prior to the closing of the 117th Congress.

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117th Congress - H.R.1522

HR. 1522

See HR.1522

117th Congress - H.R.2070

HR. 2070

See HR.2070

117th Congress - H.R.8393

HR. 8393

See HR.8393

117th Congress - S.780

S. 780

See S.780

117th Congress - S.865

S. 865

See S.865

117th Congress - S.4560

S. 4560

See S.4560