Author: Kerr, Haydn

hr.5945 bill

Bill HR.5945

On April 30, 1963, during the 1st Session of the 88th Congress, Democrat Representative Wayne N. Aspinall of Colorado (D-CO) introduced H.R. 5945 in the House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. This bill sought to create a Commission on the Status of Puerto Rico to establish a procedure for the prompt settlement, in a democratic manner, of the political status of Puerto Rico.

88th Congress


HR.5945 Bill


Puerto Rico Commission on the Status of Puerto Rico


Representative Wayne N. Aspinall (D-Colorado)


Plebiscitary Legislation (Commission)


Public Law Proceedings/Became Law

hr.2499 bill

Bill HR.2499

On May 19, 2009, during the 1st Session of the 111th Congress, Democrat and New Progressive Party Resident Commissioner Pedro R. Pierluisi of Puerto Rico (D/PNP-PR) introduced H.R. 2499 in the House Committee on Natural Resources. This bill provided for a federally sanctioned plebiscite to resolve Puerto Rico’s political status.

111th Congress

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HR.2499 Bill


Puerto Rico Democracy Act of 2009


Resident Commissioner Pedro R. Pierluisi (D/PNP-Puerto Rico)


Plebiscitary Legislation


Passed in the House/Introduced in Senate

hr.11200 bill

Bill HR.11200

On December 17, 1975, during the 1st Session of the 94th Congress, Popular Democrat Resident Commissioner Jaime Benitez of Puerto Rico (D-PR) introduced H.R. 11200 in the House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. The status bill sought to approve a Compact of Permanent Union between Puerto Rico and the United States.

94th Congress


HR.11200 Bill


Compact of Permanent Union Between Puerto Rico and the United States


Resident Commissioner Jaime Benitez-Rexach (PPD-Puerto Rico)


Amendment to Compact


Introduced in House

s.j.res.151 bill

Bill S.J.Res. 151

On April 22, 1952, during the 2nd Session of the 82nd Congress, Democratic Senator Joseph C. Mahoney of Wyoming (D-WY) introduced S.J.Res. 151 in the Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. H.J.Res. 430 accompanied this bill in the House. The resolution sought the approval of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.

82nd Congress


S.J.Res. 151 Bill


Commonwealth Constitution


Senator Joseph C. O'Mahoney (D-Wyoming)


Puerto Rican Constitution


Public Law Proceedings/Became Public Law

100th Congress

100th Congress


Three bills were introduced in the 100th Congress. All three bills were status legislation, but two contained provisions for Statehood, namely S.1182 and H.R. 2849. The remaining status bill, H. J. Res 215, provided for the creation of a constituent assembly tasked with decolonizing Puerto Rico through independence or some form of alternative free association. The 100th Congress did not enact any status changing legislation for Puerto Rico.

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100th Congress - S.1182


See S.1182

100th Congress - HR.2849


See HR.2849

100th Congress - H.J.Res.218


See HJ.Res 218

74th Congress

74th Congress


Four bills were introduced during the 74th Congress. Two were status legislation, but whereas H.R. 1394 provided for statehood, H.R. 12611 sought independence. One bill, H.R. 1393, was an Organic Act Amendment with a provision for statehood. The fourth bill, S. 4529, provided for a referendum on independence. The 74th Congress did not enact any status changing legislation for Puerto Rico.

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74th Congress - H.R.1393

HR. 1393

See HR.1393

74th Congress - H.R.1394

HR. 1394

See HR.1394

74th Congress - H.R.12611

HR. 12611

See HR.12611

74th Congress - S.4529

S. 4529

See S.4529

114th Congress

114th Congress


Two bills were introduced and one law passed during the 114th Congress. One status bill, H.R. 727 included a statehood provision. The other, S. 3044, a plebiscitary bill included three status options: statehood, sovereignty, and Commonwealth or status quo. The PROMESA Law, a fiscal measure to manage Puerto Rico’s economy, contained a provision affirming the right of Puerto Ricans to determine its future political status including by conducting a plebiscite. The 114th Congress did not enact any status changing legislation for Puerto Rico.

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114th Congress - H.R.727

HR. 727

See HR.727

114th Congress - S.3044

S. 3044

See S.3044


Pub. L. 114

See Pub.L 114

88th Congress

88th Congress


Ten bills were introduced in the 88th Congress. Eight of these bills, H.R. 5945, H.R. 5946, H.R. 5947, H.R. 5948, H.R. 5991, H.R. 6047, H.R. 6076, and H.R. 6083 were plebiscitary bills linked to the creation of a status commission and included multiple status options. They were copies of the same bill but submitted by different lawmakers. One of the remaining bills, H.Res. 549 was a resolution bill. The tenth bill, became Pub. L. 88-271 and affirmed the Commonwealth status.

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88th Congress - H.R.5845

HR. 5945

See HR.5945

88th Congress - H.R.5946

HR. 5946

See HR.5946

88th Congress - H.R.5947

HR. 5947

See HR.5947

88th Congress - H.R.5948

HR. 5948

See HR.5948

88th Congress - H.R.5991

HR. 5991

See HR.5991

88th Congress - H.R.6047

HR. 6047

See HR.6047

89th Congress - H.R.6076

HR. 6076

See HR.6076

88th Congress - H.R.6083

HR. 6083

See HR.6083

88th Congress - H.Res.549

H.Res. 549

See H.Res 549

88th Congress - Pub.L.271

Pub.L. 88-271(78 Stat. 17)

See Pub.L 88

101st Congress

101st Congress


Five bills were introduced in the 101st congress. All bills, namely S. 710, S. 711, S. 712, H.R. 3536 and H.R. 4765 were part of a plebiscitary process that took place between 1989 and 1991. Although this was the most substantive plebiscitary process in the history of the relationship between PR and the United States, the 101st Congress did not enact any status changing legislation for Puerto Rico.

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101st Congress - S.710

S. 710

See S.710

101st Congress - S.711

S. 711

See S.711

101ST Congress - Bill S. 712

S. 712

See S.712

101st Congress - HR.3536

HR. 3536

See HR.3536

101st Congress - HR.4765

HR. 4765

See HR.4765

75th Congress

75th Congress


Two bills were introduced in the 75th Congress. One status bill, H.R. 1992, provided for the territorial incorporation of Puerto Rico. The other bill, H.R. 4885, was a referendum legislation which included a provision for independence. The 75th Congress did not enact any status changing legislation for Puerto Rico.

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75th Congress - H.R.1992

HR. 1992

See HR.1992

75th Congress - H.R.4885

HR. 4885

See HR.4885