Author: Kerr, Haydn

57th Congress

57th Congress


Only one status bill, H. J. Res. 5 was introduced during the 57th Congress. This bill, submitted in the form of a Resolution, provided for the territorial incorporation of Puerto Rico, a pre-condition for future statehood. The 57th Congress did not enact any legislation providing for a change in Puerto Rico’s political status.

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57th Congress - H.J.Res.5

H.J.Res 5

See H.J.Res 5

104th Congress

104th Congress


Five bills were introduced in the 104th Congress. One resolution, H. Con. Res. 11, affirmed the right of Puerto Ricans self-determination over the status of Puerto Rico. The four additional bills debated during this Congress, H.R. 3024, S. 2019, H.R. 4228 and H.R. 4281, proposed various types of plebiscites to determine the future status of the Puerto Rican islands. These plebiscites offered various mechanism enabling Puerto Rican electors to choose among multiple status alternatives. The 104th Congress did not enact any status changing legislation for Puerto Rico.

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104th Congress - H.R.3024

HR. 3024

See HR.3024

104th Congress - H.R.4228

HR. 4228

See HR.4228

104th Congress - H.R.4281

HR. 4281

See HR.4281

104th Congress - S.2019

S. 2019

See S.2019

104th Congress - H.Con.Res.11

H.Con.Res. 11

See H.Con 11

118th Congress

118th Congress


As of the time of this writing, Congress has only introduced one plebiscitary bill during the 118th Congress. H.R. 2757 reproduced H.R. 8393 (117th Congress). No action has been taken on this bill and Representative Grijalva has suggested that he does not expect any resolution of Puerto Rico’s political status to take place during the 118th Congress or while the Republican Party control’s Congress.

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118th Congress - H.R.2757

HR. 2757

See HR.2757

S. 3231

See S.3231

94th Congress

94th Congress


Four bills were introduced in the 94th Congress. Three bills, H.R. 11200, H.R. 11201, and S.J. Res 215 were amendments providing for the enhancement of the Puerto Rican Commonwealth. The remaining bill H.J. Res 1010, is a status bill with a provision for independence. The 94th Congress did not enact any status changing legislation for Puerto Rico.

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94th Congress - H.R.11200

HR. 11200

See HR.11200

94th Congress - H.R.11201

HR. 11201

See HR.11201

94th Congress - S.J.Res.215

S.J.Res. 215

See SJ.Res 215

94th Congress - H.J.Res.1010

H.J.Res. 1010

See HJ.Res 1010

105th Congress

105th Congress


Three bills were introduced during the 105th Congress. Two of these bills, S. 472 and H.R. 856 were plebiscitary legislation and contained multiple options, namely Commonwealth, Statehood, Independence, or Free Association. The remaining bill, S. Res. 279, was a Resolution on the right to self-determination. The 105th Congress did not enact any status changing legislation for Puerto Rico.

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105th Congress - S.472

S. 472

See S.472

105th Congress - H.R.856

HR. 856

See HR.856

105th Congress - S.Res.379

S.Res. 279

See S.279

79th Congress

79th Congress


Five bills were introduced in the 79th Congress. Three bills, S. 227, H.R. 2781 and S. 1485 were status bills providing for either independence or statehood for Puerto Rico. Alternative, two companion bills, S. 1002/H.R. 3237, provided for a plebiscite with multiple status options. It is important to highlight that the so-called Tydings-Piñero Bill (S. 1002/H.R. 3237) provided one of the more comprehensive status legislation of this history and offered viable alternatives to the status quo. The 79th Congress did not enact any status changing legislation for Puerto Rico.

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79th Congress - S.227

S. 227

See S.227

79th Congress - S.1485

S. 1485

See S.1485

79th Congress - S.1002

S. 1002

See S.1002

79th Congress - H.R.2781

HR. 2781

See HR.2781

79th Congress - H.R.3237

HR. 3237

See HR.3237