
76th Congress

76th Congress


Six bills were introduced in the 76th Congress. Five of these bills, H.R. 147, H.R. 6986/S.2780, H.R.7117 and H.R. 9361, were single status bills. The sixth bill, H.R. 9361, was an organic act providing for a greater degree of home rule. The 76th Congress did not enact any status changing legislation for Puerto Rico.

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76th Congress - H.R.147

HR. 147

See HR.147

76th Congress - H.R.6986

HR. 6986

See HR.6986

76th Congress - H.R.7117

HR. 7117

See HR.7117

76th Congress - H.R.9361

HR. 9361

See HR.9361

76th Congress - H.R.9360

HR. 9360

See HR.9360

76th Congress - S.2780

S. 2780

See S.2780

97th Congress

97th Congress


Two status bills were introduced in the 97th Congress. One bill H.J. Res 215 for the creation of a constituent assembly tasked with decolonizing Puerto Rico through independence or some form of alternative free association. The other bill, H. Res 585, provided for statehood. The 97th Congress did not enact any status changing legislation for Puerto Rico.

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97th Congress - H.J.Res.215

H.J.Res. 215

See HJ.Res 215

97th Congress - H.Res.585

H.Res. 585

See H.Res 585

98th Congress

98th Congress


Only one bill was introduced in the 98th Congress. This bill, H.J. Res. 232 provided for the creation of a constituent assembly tasked with decolonizing Puerto Rico through independence or some form of alternative free association. The 98th Congress did not enact any status changing legislation for Puerto Rico.

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98th Congress - H.J.Res.232


See HJ.Res 232

117th Congress

117th Congress


Six plebiscitary bills were introduced during the 117th Congress. The first four bills introduced, namely H.R. 1522/S. 780, H.R. 2070/S. 865, excluded the “Commonwealth” as a status option or alternative for Puerto Rican voters. A fifth plebiscitary bill introduced in the Senate, S. 4560, included the Commonwealth option. A sixth bill, H.R. 8393, reconciled the first four bills and ultimately passed a House vote prior to the closing of the 117th Congress.

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117th Congress - H.R.1522

HR. 1522

See HR.1522

117th Congress - H.R.2070

HR. 2070

See HR.2070

117th Congress - H.R.8393

HR. 8393

See HR.8393

117th Congress - S.780

S. 780

See S.780

117th Congress - S.865

S. 865

See S.865

117th Congress - S.4560

S. 4560

See S.4560

99th Congress

99th Congress


Only one bill was introduced in the 99th Congress. The status bill, H.J. Res. 120, provided for the creation of a constituent assembly tasked with decolonizing Puerto Rico through independence or some form of alternative free association. The 99th Congress did not enact any status changing legislation for Puerto Rico.

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99th Congress - H.J.Res.120

H.J.Res. 120

See HJ.Res 120

118th Congress

118th Congress


As of the time of this writing, Congress has only introduced one plebiscitary bill during the 118th Congress. H.R. 2757 reproduced H.R. 8393 (117th Congress). No action has been taken on this bill and Representative Grijalva has suggested that he does not expect any resolution of Puerto Rico’s political status to take place during the 118th Congress or while the Republican Party control’s Congress.

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118th Congress - H.R.2757

HR. 2757

See HR.2757

S. 3231

See S.3231