94th Congress

94th Congress


Four bills were introduced in the 94th Congress. Three bills, H.R. 11200, H.R. 11201, and S.J. Res 215 were amendments providing for the enhancement of the Puerto Rican Commonwealth. The remaining bill H.J. Res 1010, is a status bill with a provision for independence. The 94th Congress did not enact any status changing legislation for Puerto Rico.

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94th Congress - H.R.11200

HR. 11200

See HR.11200

94th Congress - H.R.11201

HR. 11201

See HR.11201

94th Congress - S.J.Res.215

S.J.Res. 215

See SJ.Res 215

94th Congress - H.J.Res.1010

H.J.Res. 1010

See HJ.Res 1010