76th Congress

76th Congress


Six bills were introduced in the 76th Congress. Five of these bills, H.R. 147, H.R. 6986/S.2780, H.R.7117 and H.R. 9361, were single status bills. The sixth bill, H.R. 9361, was an organic act providing for a greater degree of home rule. The 76th Congress did not enact any status changing legislation for Puerto Rico.

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76th Congress - H.R.147

HR. 147

See HR.147

76th Congress - H.R.6986

HR. 6986

See HR.6986

76th Congress - H.R.7117

HR. 7117

See HR.7117

76th Congress - H.R.9361

HR. 9361

See HR.9361

76th Congress - H.R.9360

HR. 9360

See HR.9360

76th Congress - S.2780

S. 2780

See S.2780