86th Congress

86th Congress


Eight bills were introduced during the 86th Congress. Two bills were status legislation, H.R. 1868, contained a provision for independence and the other, H.R. 7003, a provision for statehood. Four bills, H.R. 5926, S.2023, H.R. 9234, and S. 2708 sought to amend the 1952 Constitution by enhancing the “compact” theory. These four bills also affirmed the Commonwealth status. The two remaining bills, S.2396 and H.R. 10266 provided for local referendums on statehood. The 86th Congress did not enact any status changing legislation for Puerto Rico.

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86th Congress - H.R.1868

HR. 1868

See HR.1868

86th Congress - H.R.7003

HR. 7003

See HR.7003

86th Congress - H.R.5926

HR. 5926

See HR.5926

86th Congress - S.2023

S. 2023

See S.2023

86th Congress - H.R.9234

HR. 9234

See HR.9234

86th Congress - S.2708

S. 2708

See S.2708

86th Congress - H.R.10266

HR. 10266

See HR.10266

86th Congress - S.2396

S. 2396

See S.2396