Jose Javier Colon Morera


José Javier Colon Morera is a Professor at the Political Science Department of the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus. He has extensively researched human rights issues regarding Puerto Rico’s territorial-colonial status. He has a PHD in Political Science (Boston University, 1992) and a JD from the University of Puerto Rico (1982). Colón Morera is the co-author of Puerto Rico under colonial rule with Ramón Bosque Pérez, New York, Sunny Press, 2006, and various essays on the topic published in academic journals. His most recent publications include a co-edited special Volume at the University of Puerto Rico Law Journal with Charles Robert
Venator Santiago, Volumen 91-3, 100 años de Balzac: Reflexiones contemporáneas sobre la ciudadanía.

He also co-edited, with Charles Robert Venator Santiago, de Back to the future: The Implications of Balzac One Hundred Years Later, CENTRO Journal: Spring 2022, Volume 34, Number 1. His latest book is Derecho y sociedad, Publicaciones Puertorriqueñas with the editorial assistance of Idsa Alegría Ortega y Víctor García San Inocencio, Publicaciones Puertorriqueñas. 2022.

Photo of Jose Javier
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