82nd Congress

82nd Congress


Four bills were introduced in the 82nd Congress. Three of the bills, S.J. Res 151, H.J. Res 430, and Pub. L. 447, were referendum legislation giving electors a choice on whether to affirm a Puerto Rican Constitution. The remaining bill, H.R. 1937 provided for a local plebiscite with different status options.

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83nd Congress - S.J.Res.151

S.J.Res. 151

See SJ.Res 151

H.Res. 636

See H.Res.636

82nd Congress - H.J.Res.430

H.J.Res. 430

See HJ.Res 430

82nd Congress - H.R.1937

HR. 1937

See HR.1937

82nd Congress - P.L.447

Pub.L. 82-447

See Pub.L 447