81st Congress

81st Congress


Six bills were introduced in the 81st Congress. Three of the bills were status legislation, of which two, S. 797, and H.R. 7746 included a provision for independence. The remaining status legislation, H.R. 9247, included a provision for statehood. Two bills, Pub. L. 81-600 and S. 3336 included referendum legislation with a provision for a Commonwealth status. The sixth bill, H.R. 7674 was a congressional enactment with a Commonwealth provision.

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81st Congress - S.797

S. 797

See S.797

81st Congress - H.R.7746

HR. 7746

See HR.7746

81st Congress - H.R.9247

HR. 9247

See HR.9247

81st Congress - Pub.L.81

L. 81-600

See L.81-600

81st Congress - S.3336

S. 3336

See S.3336

81st Congress - H.R.7674

HR. 7674

See HR.7674