56th Congress

56th Congress


Congress debated at least five bills explicitly addressing the territorial status of Puerto Rico during the 56th Congress. These bills focused on the creation of an organic or territorial law that could provide a civil government for Puerto Rico. Two bills introduced by Senator Joseph B. Foraker (R-OH), namely S. 2016 and S. 2264, which provided early versions of the subsequent Foraker Act of 1900. Three additional bills providing for alternative territorial statuses, H.R. 7020 (explicitly treating Puerto Rico as a territory), H.R. 5466 (treating Puerto Rico as a District), and H.R. 8878 (implicitly treating Puerto Rico as a territory), were also debated during this period. None of the bills offered an alternative political status to some variant of a territorial status.

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56th Congress - S.2016

S. 2016

See S.2016

56th Congress - S.2264

S. 2264

See S.2264

56th Congress - H.R.8878

HR. 8878

See HR.8878

56th Congress - H.R.5466

HR. 5466

See HR.5466

56th Congress - H.R.7020

HR. 7020

See HR.7020

56th Congress - Foraker Act

Foraker Act

See Act

56th Congress - S.335

S. 335

See S.335

56th Congress - H.R.6883

HR. 6883

See HR.6883

56th Congress - H.R.8245

HR. 8245

See HR.8245